Do you look forward to the New Year with an invigorating, refreshing urge to purchase that ONE DIARY, try that ONE SYSTEM that is going to launch you forward into the next 365 days with renewed energy, enthusiasm and drive to tick all those boxes?
Or do you sail on past the newsagent/webpage, keeping your same routines? You know, the ones that have got you where you are today, and yesterday and last week.
Do you admire those people who can ‘instantly’ identify where they are going to be in the middle of the year, two years in advance? Come on, get real……….
We often think about getting organized in December for the oncoming year, planning holidays, where the hot spots are for touring, sharing precious time with family, what about doing it in November, keep December free for Celebrating the Year that you have had and ‘being present’ with your family and friends rather than fretting about what the year ahead is going to bring.
Or just stay the same! Do what makes you happy!